And for that I apologize. I apparently have been
too drunk to use my email a little too quick to pull the trigger on my junk mail, so some comments have been lost. So I've turned off comment moderation. If you've posted a comment recently and it hasn't
showed up, that would be my fault. Sorry folks. Please re-post, if you like. You know your comments are my only means of validation in this world.
Thanks to the lovely
Meg for helping me figure this out.
this... is... a test...
Thanks, I make mention of this 2 months ago and I get the cold shoulder (as is everything in Boston). Only now, after one of your drunken rampages (by the way, I have a post up about how to dispose of a dead hooker, just in case it was one of "those" weekends), do you change things. Between that and the fact that you never call me "lovely" anyone, you're dead to me!
Well, not really, but I had to go for dramatic effect, since that's just how I roll.
How about I call you "dickhead". Will that make you happy?
The ole' Meat Factory has been in disarray, I know. Lazy posting, comment bedlam... it's a wreck. But your site has been goofy too - I've had a couple of disappearing/ reappearing comments which is confusing the hell out of me. Is it me? Is it just me? Oh, God it is, isn't it.
Well, I'm off to swallow a bottle of pills. Of course, it's a bottle of Midol. I'm just an experimental guy.
I'm so glad. I just thought you were mad at me.
Hey TK, what's crackin' homey? I'm so gangsta it's silly.
I'll have a full blown review of GOW II by the end of the week. I had a busy (read:drunken binge) weekend so things are a bit slow at the Disco.
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