Monday, February 04, 2008

Choose and perish

Let's play a little guessing game. Today, TK is:

A) Tired
B) Angry
C) Frustrated
D) Dejected
E) Hungover
F) Go fuck yourself
G) All of the above

Hey, whaddaya know. You guessed right.

Listening to: Moby - Bring Back My Happiness


VermillionBrain said...

Chomp on THAT brain.


B said...

::passes over a glass of water & pain meds::

I'm not fond of yesterday's loss. Not one bit.

Stoopid Giants.

slouchmonkey said...

Uh, sorry man! Tough loss.

Alex the Odd said...

Awww I take it this a sports related injury then TK?

I'm A and E in spades today.

demondoll said...

But you're still gonna give us the recipe, right? *ducks*

onthevirg said...

Poor kid, someone needs a hug. Maybe the Pats O-line should've tried that? You know, hug em, hold em...or something to keep the D-line of the Giants from being up in Wonder Boy's asshole all day. Just saying.

At least it was a good game.

Anonymous said...

I know you can't see it, but I'm giving you my most pitiful pouty-face I'm capable of making.

And it is full of shit-eating sarcasm.

But I feel your pain bud. I really fo' reals do.

Anonymous said...

Want some cheese with that whine? Ohhhh, faced! Scratch moded! Did I mention I won $100 and I don't even WATCH football? Yeah.

dmbmeg said...

[backs away slowly...]

Lora_3 said...


Be safe...

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

yo. I'm all of the above, so hopefully no one runs into us, I'm ready to pop a cap.

kelsi said...

and yet despite all that, you managed a ghostbusters reference.
have i mentioned that i love your brain?