Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Now I wonder what it is you're after, keeping company with this disaster

What, you may be asking, do these things have in common?

They are all things I have spilled on myself. Today. It's not even noon yet.

Word-for-word conversation that I had with my boss 20 minutes ago:

Boss: Oh, I think you-
TK: I know. It's coffee.
Boss: Oh. Sorry. Actually, I think you got some right-
TK: No, that's yogurt. And before you say anything else, this here is ink.
Boss:... oh.
TK: Can we talk about something else?


Listening to: DJ Shadow - What Does Your Sould Look Like ( Part 4)


onthevirg said...

[Shakes Head] You're like the Superman of klutzes. You need to just put up police tape around your desk so you don't accidentally stab someone in the groin while you have things in your hands.

New Texan said...

I think you are evolving... at least you didn't jab yourself in the eye with the writing instrument. Congrats!

Girl With Curious Hair said...

TK, you make me look good, graceful and coordinated. If for nothing else, I thank you for that.

(Also, I'm impressed in how much you can accomplish before lunch--if anything is left of course).

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the laundry, love.

-Mrs TK

MelodyLane said...

Impressive sir! Is this a record?

Seriously, this made me smile. Did you happen to have anything left for lunch?

TK said...

OTV - I really should just wear mittens and eat everything through a straw.

NT - Silver lining, huh? I'm not buying it.

Curious - Yeah. You're welcome. *scowl*

Anon - Ladies and gentlemen, we have Mrs. TK sighting! Babe, if it makes you feel better, the ink is only on my hands. And face. Don't ask.

Melodylane - I do believe this is a record! And lunch was delicious, thank you very much.

Jez said...

Well at least it's only lunch I get on me. And sometimes breakfast. Luckily, it's usually just one, not both.

Anonymous said...

The semen. You forgot the semen. On you collar.

Girl With Curious Hair said...

I forgot to mention, if the ink stain was on fabric, hair spray is a great way to remove it. You don't need anything fancy, but it works better than anything else I know.

Just thought it may come in handy in the future.

Alex the Odd said...

I'm speechless. How in the holy hell do you manage it?

Anonymous said...

Wow TK... and I thought Mrs. TK was a figment of your imagination! New Texan DOES have a point. normally you would spill all of this as well as fall out of your chair, break something, or hurt yourself. So you've got that going for you, at least.

country roads said...

That's too funny! I was thinking that those were very spillable things before I got to the text at the bottom. But, it's quite the odd combination... Reminds me, I need some fountain pen ink....

TK said...

Jez - That is why I am special.

Manny - Ah, there's that rapier wit. Now go screw.

Curious - if only I carried hairspray around.

Alex - Well... I spit up coffee when laughing on the way to work, I dropped the pizza because it was hot, my pen exploded while I was chewing on the end of it, I tipped my chair back too far while drinking water, and my yogurt blew up when I opened it. See, not too unusual, is it? Right? No? Shit.

Lauren - Nope, she's the real deal. And if you listen very closely, you can hear her sighing as she reads this post.

Country - For God's sake man, be careful.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I thought I heard something...

A Bowl Of Stupid said...

Ahhh, goddamn it's nice to see Manny back picking up the slack in my absence.

But he did forgot to ask what type of semen -- human, beagle, ... whale?

Just curious.

The Ex said...


Jez said...

I don't see beer on that list of things you spilled. You've accepted my declaration that this is "Challenge Your Beer Palate" season, right? Check it out on my other blog, http://freshbeereveryfriday.blogspot.com

I mean, I don't spill as much crap on me as you do, and I don't smoke the pot, I just drink the beer. So maybe if you started drinking good beer, you wouldn't spill so much.

Anonymous said...

Tide-to-go pen

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Fellow 'stacher,
Followed your link. I'm laughing my ass off. I'm so with you on the spilling things. I'm so damned clutzy, I dropped a digital camera in a bowl of cereal about 45 seconds after my husband gave it to me. The murderous look on his face was priceless...